Sunday, November 14, 2010

How To Be Good Restaurant Dishwasher

Conference in Castel Goffredo on recycling

In an evening with an incredible fog Thursday night I managed to get to Castel Goffredo, however, for a conference on recycling in which I was invited to bear witness to how the method should be door to door in our community. Thank you again

Ramazzini Leonardo Project Civic Castel Goffredo who invited me.

E 'was a very interesting evening. I met the commissioner of the Provincial Environment Mantua Rebusco George, who described the evolution of separate cases in Mantua explaining the most virtuous. Secondly, it is spoken Mario Toney, President of Indecast Ltd, the company town of Castiglione, who just over a month has passed the door to door in the town. E 'then fell to me to outline the arrangements for services currently performed by Cogeme Rovato, explaining the advantages and difficulties.

numerous questions from the audience, for much more precise and showed attention to how people have followed the speeches.

Closing the evening was given to Romeo Faganello Project Civic Castel Goffredo.

News Assembly public hearing was also given by Gazzetta di Mantova .

again I thank the friends who invited me to bring in up to Mantua rovatese experience. I hope I was useful to them for clarification of ideas about the separate collection system for door to door, dropped in the local context of a complex Municipality including town planning such as ours.

I hope there will be other opportunities for discussion.


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