Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Best Gaycruisingtoronto

Transparency: the first envelope charged by Deputy Mayor-Councillor

As promised debut of my continuously nell'ostinazione public commitment to promote transparency with respect to all citizens, regardless of how they think politically. It was concluded
past three weeks the first month of activity of the new city council, came the first "paycheck" with the indication that the law provides for compensation for those who hold posts of general government.

remember that the calculation of compensation is related to the number of inhabitants of the municipality and the fact that the individual assessor is an employee or a freelancer. A Councillor who is a worker in the life employee receives half the allowance of an assessor who does freelance law because it is considered by most penalized in terms of the tax system .

The law governing these calculations is the 267/00 and successive modifications and integrations. In particular, the Decree 112/2008 has imposed impossible for all the joints to increase the allowance.

With regard to the City Council Rovato, allowances fell by about 10% compared to those of the junta Manenti until 2002 and will be subject to further reduction as stated in support of the financial (talk of a further decline in 7%).
Since 2002 onwards, therefore, never led the junta Rovato Civic has exercised the option, however, permitted by law to raise the allowances within certain levels.

Wanting to be transparent in deeds and not words alone make public my allowance deputy returning the scanning of paper pervenutomi detail, with the exception of sensitive personal data. Obviously not one of these given the compensation that is also public.
As my employee ALLOWANCE 'gross monthly is € 805.29. The indemnity
'MONTHLY NET is € 587.85.

should be noted that in the statement of this compensation income will add to that my work as an employee with the resulting tax calculations relating to my income.
Morale, certainly above the monthly allowance will suffer a net curtailment we will see further that the 2011 tax return on income made in 2010.

Why carry this data?
I do because I want the citizens of Rovato know that his current deputy mayor and his advisors in particular € does not perceive the wagon that often the people rumored. On balance, with a combination of employment income will be really effective in a very small monthly amount. In this

shun the cost of telephone calls and gasoline. At the conference services in the province go there with my camera, for example. There are no blue car to the City of Rovato, so to speak.

Finally, add a lot of days of leave because rimesseci administrative permissions that are allowed for use in a month would not be sufficient for a continuous presence in administration and in all the duties that the job requires.

Why do I say these things?
to complain? No
For autoincensarmi? No
Just to let people know what is running in a public administration can be as a city council but he has a job and a family should really try to organize itself better for them to perform their role.
But above all, the junta's commitment to live like a job where the hours count means not understanding the purpose of public administration.
So who am I doing this?
passion for public life that animates many administrators who have worked with sacrifices much of my full-bodied and from which I can only learn. From my ancestors came in, for example.
It 's only passion? is not for me to judge, I only do this as I live this administrative effort with absolute peace of mind, free from those inevitable conditions that would live on benefits in the political choices every day.
like all administrators Rovato Civic I have my work, I do not live with the compensation to be deputy mayor.
In less than two years you will gain all that I read a review on the results of this commitment.


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