Thursday, September 28, 2006

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Fp Cgil doctors: a door to the precarious
To give voice to the precarious medical doctors FpCgil opened the site / medici.htm door online "SOS Doctors Precarious." "This is an initiative - said Massimo Cozza, national secretary of FpCgil doctors - who wants to give more strength to who is struggling to respond to thousands of doctors ultratrentacinquenni that, because of the precariousness of their work, are not able to plan their future. "The situation of insecurity that has been to determine at this year's recruitment freeze across the public sector is judged by the union, no longer tolerable. The FPCGIL is asking the Government to address the issue in the 2007 Budget and the next 2006-contract renewals 2009.Rapporti periodically renewed temporary contracts, coordinated and continuous professional collaborations and other atypical employment relationships have come to be a way to maintain the precarious medici.Vi thousands of others are also 10 thousand doctors enrolled in a university before '91 and after the 94 graduates, who for years has temporarily hold positions in general practice, continuity of care and first aid, and being free, for reasons independent of their time, holding the title of special training in general medicine, "will be a precarious life - said Cozza - if you will not be allowed access to the regional lists." Source: I Sole24ore/Federfarma


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