Friday, November 24, 2006
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(061115) NO precariousness': national demonstration in Rome on November 24
publish the text of the Press Unit
PRESS RELEASE In the presence of at least 15,000 workers and employees, permanent and temporary workers from all over the country, will take place tomorrow, 24 November at 14.30 in Piazza Farnese in Rome, the national demonstration called by FP CGIL, CISL and UIL FPL
FPS "A pact on the public work: quality of service, job precariousness No "
Speakers at the event, the Confederal Secretary National Nerozzi, Baratta and Pirani, and the Secretaries General of the categories public Podda, Tarelli Fiordaliso.Il afternoon and will consist of testimonies of women workers and temporary workers, which will be presented by Andrea Rivera, and will be punctuated by songs and monologues by Enrico Capuano Rosalia Porcaro.
Rome, November 23, 2006 I
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question on military servitude in Sardinia
(3-00014) (June 13, 2006)
MARTONE. - To the Ministers of Defence, Economy and Finance and Foreign Affairs. - Given that:
two fighter jets Italian Air Force F16 car collided in flight at night between 22 and 23 May, and are precipitated. It happened during a training mission in the multinational exercise "Spring Flag 2006" underway in Sardinia
8 to May 24 there were two joint operations in Sardinia: the "Spring Flag 2006", attended by even the Italian Army, the Navy and NATO forces, French, British, Dutch, Belgian and Israeli, and the operation "Volcanex 06" with EAG (European Air Group, composed of France, Britain, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Italy and Spain);
theater operations invest a bit 'the whole island: from the airports of Alghero and Decimomannu, firing up to Teulada, Perdasdefogu, Cape San Lorenzo, jump Quirra and Capo Frasca,
exercises include: release of aerial bombs, shots helicopter, squad cars on fire, shooting school artillery, mortars, shooting school, shooting with small arms fire tactical training group, school shooting TOW missiles, Milan and Panzerfaust. This activity is scheduled for the second half of 2006, as indicated by the timetable of exercises in Sardinia, delivered by the Staff of the Joint Committee on Defense (State and Region) for the discharge military
the mid-air collision between the two F16 fighter during training activity raises again the issue of the military occupation of sky, land and sea in Sardinia and the compatibility of the exercises with the absolute security of the Sardinian people, economic development and Civil territories and their environmental protection;
over 35,000 hectares of land under constraint Sardinian military servitude. During the practice is banned on boating, fishing and a staging area of \u200b\u200bsea of \u200b\u200bover 20,000 square kilometers, an area almost equal extent in Sardinia. The vastness of the space air and sea military slave has no limits By comparison with any other Italian region, Sardinia
pays a very high tribute to military servitude. The expropriation of natural resources and the consequent strangulation of the fragile economy caused by the military presence provokes recurrent waves of popular opposition: shepherds and fishermen from time to time we mobilize in defense of the little work they have been allowed to play a few of the devastated grassland by the exercises of war, the restricted areas of a sea full of exploded and unexploded ordnance, ripping the nets, causing loss of fish and damage the ecosystem and marine biodiversity;
the situation of danger for the workers of the sea plus is demonstrated by an ordinance of 2005 the Port of Oristano, inviting users of the sea that are in transit, dock and fish in the sea area bounded to be very careful in what is still known or likely to be present on the bottom magnetic mines, torpedoes, shells or other explosive devices, dangerous to navigation;
for many years, the population and the Sardinian regional government show the same self-determination in the use and protection of its territory and its resources, according to
Data provided in 2003 by command of PISQ (Polygon Joint Jumping Quirra) the cost of "one hour" lease amount of the polygon to 50,000 €,
asks to know:
if the Government does not see fit to report an accident that occurred between the two F16, consider urgently, taking the necessary action taken promptly, initiatives aimed at safeguarding the total population of Sardinia and its area, reaching as necessary to the immediate suspension of the exercises in the program;
if the Government does not consider it appropriate to review the situation of polygons and military slavery in the island, calling the second conference on military servitude in the country, if the engagement between
the means used during the exercises, aircraft and helicopter gunships, anti-aircraft, support for electronic warfare and the use of sophisticated weapon systems and commitment of the air forces of non-NATO countries such as Israel, would lead to decisions which fall outside the scope of traditional patterns and NATO outside the context of peacekeeping;
if it is not considered appropriate to undertake a remodeling of the military, not only in terms of strength and organization, but also tasks in key international
if it is not considered necessary to ensure, in addition to due compensation, water sanitation and cleaning of the seabed from tons of bombs, unexploded and exploded, ripping the nets, causing loss of fish workers of the sea and damage the ecosystem and marine biodiversity;
also if this is true:
as stated in its 2005 study, the organization American Natural Resource Defense Council titled "U.S. Nuclear Weapons in Europe", Capo Frasca in the polygon of the Italian Air Force would be trained to attack with any nuclear bombs, which are present in Italy according to the agreement to share nuclear Stone Ax;
the cost of rental of a military shooting range would amount to 50,000 € per hour companies for trials of weapons such as Fiat, Alenia, the Contraves, aerospace, Eurosam, Iveco and Vitrociset Department, they are required to specify the type of experimental weapon systems, thus communicating to Co.Mi.Pa. (Joint Committee Joint) the use of military waste disposal;
Finally, if foreign states that perform military exercises in the areas of polygons are required to pay a share of the rent;
if so, whether this be paid according the type of exercise and those who use them.
Legislature 15 ยบ - Aula - Stenographic Report of Session No 082, 23/11/2006
PRESIDENT . Following interrogation 3-00014 on military servitude in Sardinia. The representative
Government has the power to answer this question.
CASULA, Secretary of State for Defence. The act now under discussion is inspired by the incident on 22 May this year has involved two F-16 Italian Air Force to address generally the issue of military presence in Sardinia and spatial constraints resulting from the military and polygons areas used for military exercises and at the same time suggest disruption of economic, industrial and tourism for local communities most directly affected by the training activities of the armed forces.
First, the Government has already explained the incident in Parliament, sitting in the Chamber of Deputies, 23 Last May, the two seater F-16 fighter aircraft have crashed due to a mid-air collision off Cape Carbonara, during a training mission in the multinational exercise "Spring Flag".
Reiterating that the incident did not cause any damage to persons or property, he points out that the security measures that are adopted for the conduct of its training activities tend to avoid collateral damage.
At this point, before moving on to examine the sequence of the individual questions posed by senators questioning, it is appropriate to recall briefly the most important aspects relating to the military presence on their territory, illustrated by the minister of defense during the specific hearing of October 25 at the Defence Committee of the Chamber of Deputies.
In such a place has been underlined the Government's firm intention to proceed with a careful assessment of the military presence in our region - including, of course, Sardinia - with a view to a more equitable distribution of burdens arising from it, except, of course The compatibility of location of the facilities in relation to defense programs - in line with the current strategic landscape - and respect for the legitimate aspirations of civil and economic development of the populations concerned.
In this perspective, the defense has already initiated a detailed census of all facilities and their current use, and the easement may be associated with them so they can acquire the necessary elements for change in those cases where the weight of the military is too focused on certain areas.
In any case, it intends to review the whole matter into a new national conference that will involve the administration of course the defense, the State Property Office, the regions and local authorities for a better and mutual understanding and optimization of business.
regards, in particular, the region of Sardinia, the objective situation of discomfort of the Sardinian territory was publicly recognized by the Government and shall be based on a comparison of operating platform agreed with the Autonomous Region of Sardinia.
Regarding slavery in the strict military - areas unrelated to military property, but encumbered by restrictions on free use - the orientation of the defense is to eliminate those that no longer be necessary, of course, as soon as you complete this survey.
will also be examined carefully the criteria for compensation under the rules in force for a possible update of compensation to individuals and contributions to local authorities, including the procedural aspects that still seem very complex.
To this end, has already begun to operate the Working Group Defense-Region of Sardinia, established to address the issues of harmonization between the needs of the region and those of defense on military slavery and the use of public lands, jointly defining the ultimate goals, the criteria for solution, and the timing associated with it.
In particular, the polygon of jump Quirra it was decided to carry out additional checks on a concerted basis, on the state of the environment itself and the surrounding area. The defense has them expressed their willingness to further explore possibilities for remediation of the sea facing the polygon of Cape Teulada where to date, however, that there was not any situation detrimental to the ecosystem.
On the question raised on military exercises which are held regularly on the Sardinian territory, it is essential training activities to achieve those operational capabilities that are prerequisite for a modern and effective military instrument, with a mandate to defend the nation, its borders and the community, it follows directly from the wording constitutional.
The training is of paramount importance to have a view, a continuing nature, rates of force at different levels of readiness, able to rapidly integrate and interoperate effectively in joint and combined devices.
The training activities are, however, always carried out in full compliance with specific safety standards to ensure the protection of the population, environmental protection and, in general, all operators during this activity.
regard, in particular, the exercises held at the polygons, each activity preceded by a thorough environmental impact analysis. In addition, the department uses the facility must: inform the direction of the polygon, the type of weapons and ammunition which plans to use before they get permission and conducting exercises; present at the end of the business, a report that confirms reclamation of areas used, the number and type of ammunition actually used during the exercise and adopt parameters to be submitted from time to time at the controls of the polygons themselves for the necessary authorization.
Furthermore, in order to take necessary measures to ensure maritime safety and the safety of navigation, the competent maritime authorities enact appropriate measures in advance of the ban mirrors the waters affected by the shooting activities at sea in the polygons.
Therefore, the complex of preventive measures at the base of training activities, and the very nature of these activities, exclude the existence of evidence which lead to the immediate suspension of the exercises in the program, as called for questioning by the senators.
That said, it certainly puts in doubt that the conduct of such activities could lead to repercussions on the local context and in other ways. Defense, to compensate for those effects, operating through various institutions, organizations and procedures to mitigate the impact on citizenship.
In this context, is the fundamental role of joint committees where the reality of regional joint military requirements and find the correct channel for discussion and decisions agreed on the military slavery and the use of polygons.
Activities to be carried in Polygon are, in fact, previously evaluated and approved only after an assessment of environmental impact and after consulting the Joint Committee established at the joint region of Sardinia under the Law 898 of 1976.
The activities of these committees very purpose is to establish within each region a permanent relationship of cooperation with the Armed Forces in order to harmonize the needs of Defence and those of civil and social fabric of community life.
Continuing the discussion of the issues raised by the act in question, move on to the point concerning the advisability of launching a reshaping of the military not only in terms of strength and organization of tasks, but also an international twist.
the merits, we need some general considerations on the current international and geostrategic context, which requires specific choices in the area of \u200b\u200bdefense policy.
The protection of national security includes, in addition to the defense of national sovereignty, the competition to stability and international security, self-preservation and protection of our interests as well as risk prevention and combating violations of law and peace.
This concept is based more in the activities of major international organizations of which Italy is an active and responsible: the United Nations, European Union, Atlantic Alliance, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe in which it hinges, in an active and responsible security foundation of democracy, prosperity and national cohesion.
The new international scenario requires continuous and careful reassessment of the priorities of defense. In light of this need, the Italian armed forces are evolving mainly by the size of the static defense of sovereignty to support the dynamic action of the international community for the prevention and crisis management with the task of peace and security. Italy's participation in the UNIFIL mission is a tangible example of this change.
These commitments must be supported with a modern military, integrated and interoperable with that of major allies that choices have to be consistent and effective.
In this context of defending the peace and maintaining security, must be placed drills conducted in the field of peace support operations. They take on great importance, as functional descendants of operations to work within the commitments made at international level and within the various organizations to which Italy is a member in its own right.
These exercises make a crucial contribution in the response operations to crisis under UN auspices in support of international stability.
To this end, we seek maximum standardization to improve operational safety and efficacy of the means and the maximum capacity of all countries participating in this type of activity, which may also take place with countries not necessarily belonging to NATO. Coming to the question
reclamation of water and the seabed by ordnance or explosive materials assimilated, the existing law provides that actions of this nature are divided into occasional and systematic.
In particular, the systematic drainage as a preventive measure on the seabed is carried out by specialized firms, certified and authorized by the military solely for research and tracking on behalf of the competent territorial authority.
There is therefore a direct responsibility of Defence, which, however, can intervene at the formal request to remove and render harmless the weapons found during the systematic research carried out by contractors appointed for that purpose or those found occasionally.
As the reclamation of the seabed and the waters in front of Sardinia, called for by the interrogators, in relation to the rifle Capo Teulada contacts are underway between the Directorate General of Armaments and the Naval Undersea Research Center (NURC), in order to identify the facts contract through which disciplinary research activities in preparation for the reclamation.
In the area of \u200b\u200bCape San Lorenzo (the joint area of \u200b\u200bthe polygon Quirra jump), however, was done in the past, a search through hydraulic action of the Italian Navy diver. It must be said, however, that almost all the remaining assets of the exercises held by the FISC Skipping Quirra are of iron and inert.
regard, now, the type of training done at the shooting range of Capo Frasca, said that Italy has not entered into any secret agreement for the deployment of nuclear weapons, called Stone Ax, it is stated that Air Force units you are trained by using only fitting exercise like "Inert."
Let us, therefore, to analyze the appearance on the costs borne by users for the use of polygons.
For manufacturers of armaments, the costs vary significantly depending on the type of resources used, both in terms of equipment and personnel, the figure indicated by the senators questioning can be considered as valid as the average cost schedule, as it refers to a specific activity.
The sums received directly as a result of agreements signed by the Defence with the companies that use polygons for experimental activities are paid directly to the Exchequer.
Companies are also required to: communicate to the command of the firing range of training activities that the program is subsequently submitted to the Co.Mi.Pa (Joint Committee on Regional Defense) by Authority of the military draft, at the end of the minutes stating that the reclamation of areas used.
Some, however, the inherent aspect of the costs incurred by foreign countries, is not expected to pay a specific share of the rent, but the costs of use vary depending on the type of exercise.
In particular, NATO exercises, the economic aspect is regulated by international agreements on standardization. The reimbursement of costs incurred for the use of polygons is different from time to time. In cases where a foreign armed force participating in joint training activities will ensure the recovery of logistics costs, while, if it is required the use of the military installation for your needs, we shall recover the costs of logistical and operational cost d ' use of the polygon used, and to pay for any damage. Of all the amounts directly collected shall be paid direct to the Exchequer.
In conclusion, it reassured the senators questioning about the firm intention of Defense to further pursue, without prejudice and with full transparency, in an effort aimed at harmonizing the various aspects that relate to safety, environmental impact and tourism development and economic areas.
MARTONE (RC-SE). I ask to speak.
PRESIDENT. It has the power.
Martone (RC-SE). Mr President, I am not very satisfied with the answer, in part because some of the issues of the answers seem too general.
PRESIDENT. Senator Martone, she has every right to plead not satisfied, but I assure you that no one Sardinian Government had never received a response as extensive as we have heard this evening.
Martone (RC-SE). Sure, there was a complete answer, but on some issues would be ...
PRESIDENT. I speak from Sardinia.
Martone (RC-SE). I too am service in Sardinia, although coming from the capital, but I had the opportunity to visit some of these polygons, and also to talk with local communities to Capo Teulada, Capo Frasca, to jump Quirra.
Undoubtedly, from a certain point of view, the commitment to play the second conference on military servitude is a step forward. I remember also that it was a commitment made by the Government's program. But on the other hand, there are some issues that in my opinion, justify my dissatisfaction, which cover some more concrete evidence than what the government intends to do. For example, the reclamation would be very helpful, in addition to the explanation of the procedures, also receive data related to drainage in Capo Teulada.
Speaking with the local fishing communities of Cape Teulada, it appears that, in fact, these waters are full of remnants of war by practical, then a comparison would be useful in this regard.
is also true that the agreement signed last November 10 with the governor Soru, covering some areas of military property in Cagliari, is a significant and important step forward, but now there is a meeting on the issue of the arsenal of the Magdalene, December 19 will also be discussed Capo Frasca and Capo Teulada.
There are some issues but, in my opinion, require further definition, such as the burden on the reclamation, namely respect for the internationally recognized principle of "polluter pay", ie the polluter pays, in effect, would be very appropriate that the costs of remediation were not included within or on Sardinia or the community, that this presence, however, has already suffered servitude.
Another question, in our opinion important, is that a different approach, not only the redefinition of servitude. Rightly, she recalled the need for an even distribution of the load at the international level, I remember that in Sardinia there is almost an overwhelming majority of military servants and military property from the rest of the continent, and then it would be necessary not only to talk about reallocation and redefinition of slavery, but also a reduction of certain expenses, according to a principle that was followed and that I believe should see even more involved local communities.
Then there is a problem with information on the munitions used, I had occasion to observe, even with documentation, which in some cases the information is not ex post and, anyway, and was satisfied an obligation to provide the type of ammunition, weapons systems planned for the exercises, in some cases, however, this was not accompanied by a 'Detailed information on those who have actually been used, which in my opinion makes it even more difficult the identification of environmental damage and reclamation procedures to be followed.
Another issue is that I wish to use the final destination of the liberated areas, for example, will be very interesting to know what the decision of the Arsenal Magdalene, in our opinion, the liberated areas can be returned to the community through a process that even the government can support, not only the Ministry of Defence, but also the ministries for cultural heritage, environment and productive activities, to develop strategies for the conversion of these areas see also opportunities for changing processes or in the generation of employment that are innovative in terms of environmental, economic and social development. This, to me, is a basis upon which we must try to work, because in other countries such as Germany, this work has already been done.
The latest clarification I would like to ask you about the agreement Stone Ax, about which his reply left me, I must say, a bit 'confused: you say that the agreement Stone Ax does not exist, or that Italy has no nuclear sharing agreement that allows the use and the presence of bombs on the country. As I understand it, is that in Ghedi Aviano, are stored at 90 nuclear devices, some managed by the United States, others, such as precisely those of Ghedi, who instead may be used in some specific circumstances, Italian Air Force .
This is a point on which we will ask more clarification, because in our opinion the presence of those nuclear weapons, has never been questioned so far, is a serious violation of the Non-Proliferation Treaty and therefore undermines the role that Italy can and will play in the disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation. I
precarious .. we are a cultural association, this is our official website
Friday, November 17, 2006
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__________" I "_______ precarious cultural association
Presents: The day precarious
outsourcing, insecurity plagues society
Challenging Ideas
° Carlo Cherchi President Associazione Culturale "I precarious";
· Ugo Gallo Coordination of Local Authorities for Public CGIL;
coordinates Luca Locci
15:30 pm Speakers:
° Workers and temporary workers;
· Ugo Pilia CGIL Secretary General for Public Administration of Cagliari;
· John Pinna Regional Secretary for Public CGIL;
° Luciano Uras Regional Councillor PRC;
° Enzo Costa Cagliari CGIL Secretary General;
° Silvio Cherchi Regional Councillor DS
° Francesco Sanna Advisor Regional Margherita
· Tore Serra Regional Adviser Italian Communists;
o Thanks Milia President of the Province of Cagliari;
0re 19.00 concludes:
° Antonio Crispi National Secretary for Public CGIL.
Cagliari Monday, November 20, 2006 at 15:30 at the press hall away Red baron n ° 29 (parking in front of the town)
Participants: Associazione Peppino Asquer cultural rights public-left movement sardista European Association of the Sardinian Committee unemployed and precarious province of Cagliari; lsu local committee; Area deprecarizzata; Committee homeless precarious
abbalibera Committee, Engineers Without Borders, co-ordination doctoral universities;
regional group advising the Democratic Left, Margaret Regional Advisory Group, the regional group to advise the Italian Communists, Communist PRC Regional Advisory Group, Civil Service trade union CGIL, I
.. we are a precarious cultural association, this is our official website
Friday, October 27, 2006
In The Morning Inthe Evening
temporary workers with few job prospects. Survey IRES-CGIL
26/10/2006 - 16:57 Two out of three employees working in the same company for over two years, have weekly hours 'long', but are discouraged about the possibility of prejudice to a career in the same enterprise: a search parasubordinate work in Italy, commissioned by Nidil Ires-CGIL and built a picture emerges of insecurity and poor prospettive.Dalle 560 interviews with so-called atypical workers show a prevailing situation of dependency, at least economic, by his principal as people who work for one company for 80% of the sample. Most work within the company, mostly with a daily presence, with a fixed working hours and with little room for independent decision-making (only 26.3% of the sample declared to have while 40.3% have chosen only operating margins, 18.4% work in complete autonomy and 15.1% say they have no autonomy). 50% of respondents work more than 38 hours per week. 31% of the total take less than 800 € a month and if we add to these the 26% who earn between 800 and 1,000 euro is seen that more than half of employees are permanently under € 1,000 per month. Among the part-time workers, says the research, there are often employed such as cleaning, commerce and call centers where reduced hours rather than choice is imposed by the market. The survey highlights how the IRES employees interviewed are mostly in their thirties who have long their profession. Only 34.6% of the sample works in the same company for less than a year, while 65.4% work in the same place for more than two years (31.9% for more than four). Often these workers have to more to do with contract renewals and about half of those surveyed said they were looking for a new job and only a small part is believed to have career opportunities in the holding current. Only 17% of respondents think they have good prospects in the current place of work, while 44.3% believes that it has good prospects, but only by changing company. 38.7% is totally discouraged and do not think you have no career prospects. This distrust is quite independent of the level of education: 39% of respondents said they think the degree that they have no career prospect. The percentage drops to only 27.6% with a postgraduate degree. Only 15% of the sample is regarded as a professional, proper, while the rest of the respondents believe that your work has to be considered in all respects employees. The prevailing attitude is to those who would first and foremost be taken even if it means giving up any aspect of the present condition (37%). On the other hand, there is 28% of respondents would not change profession while employed. Finally, the majority of employees would not trade the temporary nature of employment with higher wages: 66% said it first of all to aspire to greater security for the future (70% among women, 76% among those over 35 years). I
precarious .. we are a cultural association, this is our official website
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Napolitano meets students' Parliament would deal with the precarious "
from Politecnico di Torino draws the head of state universities attenzionesul discomfort after cuts under the FinanziariaTORINO - The head of state drew the attention of Parliament on the problem of insecurity among the young. The intervention President of the Republic comes at a time when the world of education is raised a chorus of protests over cuts included in the budget. Giorgio Napolitano spoke this morning at the opening of the academic year at the Polytechnic of Turin and when he came out he found waiting for a group of temporary workers who complained about cuts spese.Il Head of State received a representative of the demonstrators and then said: "It 'a very serious problem. I hope it can be approached in the right place, namely in Parliament." Shortly before he was the rector of Turin, in his inaugural address, to ask the head of state to convey the discomfort in universities and "helping to represent the severity of a crisis threatens the pillars on which the proposed revitalization of our country, the education system and research system. "In recent days, were sent to the Prime Minister, Romano Prodi and the Minister of University and Research Fabio Mussi Two petitions signed by more than 4 thousand teachers who are asking the government to amend those articles of the budget providing for a cut in resources for research and the university and reduced the salaries of researchers, and ordinary members, referring to the measures a second time sector reform. are confirmed also by November 17 the strike of university staff and 20 November in the sector of research, two demonstrations in front of Parliament and Palazzo Chigi.Un open another front is the threat of resignation of the Minister Mussi, who protesters intend to resign if the government does not revise the program cuts .[...]( October 26, 2006) I
precarious. . we are a cultural association, this is our official website
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Napolitano meets students' Parliament would deal with the precarious "
from Politecnico di Torino draws the head of state universities attenzionesul discomfort after the cuts under the FinanziariaTORINO - The head of state drew the attention of Parliament on the issue of temporary work among young people. The intervention of the President of the Republic comes at a time when the world of school rises a chorus of protests over cuts included in the budget. Giorgio Napolitano spoke this morning at the opening of the academic year at the Polytechnic of Turin and when he came out he found waiting for a group of temporary workers who complained about cuts spese.Il Head of State received a representative of the demonstrators and then said: "It 'a very serious problem. I hope it can be approached in the right place, namely in Parliament." Shortly before he was the rector of Turin, in his inaugural address, to ask the head of state to convey the discomfort in universities and "helping to represent the severity of a crisis that threatens the pillars on which the proposed revitalization of our country: education system and research system. "In recent days, were sent to the Prime Minister, Romano Prodi and the Minister of University and Research Fabio Mussi, two petitions signed by more than 4 thousand teachers who are asking the government to amend those articles of the budget providing for a cut in resources for research and the university and reduced the salaries of researchers, and ordinary members, referring to later measures of reform. There remain also confirmed for November 17 strike staff Universities and November 20 in the sector of research, with two demonstrations outside Parliament and the Palace is to open another front Chigi.Un the threat of resignation Minister Mussi, which demonstrators intended to resign if the government does not revise the program cuts .[...]( October 26, 2006) I
precarious .. we are a cultural association, this is our official website
Thursday, October 5, 2006
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5 / 10 Mestre: Provincial Committee stop precarious hours
ASSEMBLY COMMITTEE PROVINCIALESTOP PRECARIOUSNESS 'NOW THURSDAY' October 5, 2006 at 18:00 at the Civic Center Sernaglia Street (near Via Capuccina) MestreSTOP PRECARIOUSNESS ORAL'assemblea sponsored by Campaign Stop precarious now! on 8 July in Rome gave impetus to a path of confrontation and mobilization throughout the territory was established in September 8th nazionale.L Insecurity Stop the Regional Committee with the aim of giving way to a series of initiatives in the territories in preparation for the national demonstration planned for November 4 in Rome I
precarious .. we are a cultural association, this is our official website
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E 'written in Finance: Promote the donkeys!
E 'written in Finance: Promote the donkeys! October 5 2006Programmata a reduction of repeaters to cut 644 classes and 1455 for 150,000 docentiDoccia cold precarious: "I assume there will be money only if" Dear teachers, this year you will not fail students. How many? Ten per cent less. And why? To reduce spending public. To understand how you can get the result it is sufficient to read the technical report accompanying the budget bill. The eccentric approach of officials hired by the Ministers Padoa Schioppa and Fioroni is consecrated in black and white pages 139 and following of the important document, just deposited in Parliament. It is not the only one: in fact, the promotion of donkeys for budgetary purposes is accompanied by the restructuring of teachers made redundant as teachers who teach subjects that do not know. But let's ordine.La feared reduction in classes with a consequent reduction in spending is almost law. To achieve the goal you can act on several fronts: increase of students in each class. It says that "the new parameters and criteria for training classes for kindergarten will need to determine an average ratio of 0.1 pupils per class, 0.4 for the primary to the secondary level of 0 , 4, and for the secondary level of 0.6 ". But the gem can be found on pg. 141, with a lot of diplomacy when you write that "within the proposed initiatives to increase efficiency of the education system, in anticipation of raising compulsory education for at least ten years, will be activated for appropriate interventions aimed at conflict failures scolastici.Detti interventions should include, in particular, host activities, motivation and reorientation, and the individualization of teaching to take into account the different forms of intelligence and different learning styles, to using part of the resources allocated to areas at risk and part of that on the dispersion also funded projects to combat resources of the European Social Fund. " Translated it means: the rejection of the budget less for charity. And if a student attends five years instead of 6 or 7 will take less classes. You read right after that "the consequent reduction in the average stay of students within the system will reduce spending on staff costs." Palazzo Chigi engineers have programmed the number of donkeys promote. "At the end of the estimate of savings - it is stated in the technical - was considered a 10% reduction in the number of repeaters in the first two years of secondary school course on appeal, now amounting to a total of 185,002 studenti.Si found as a decrease of 18,500 units for the student population, which, considering the current ratio of pupils per class, corresponds to 805 classes, so if you can decrease the total number of classes because of the possible savings of 80%, an estimated 644 fewer classes , corresponding to 1,455 teachers and 425 Ata, to a lesser charge of € 56 million from the year 2008, and € 18.6 million for the year 2007. "As teachers made redundant, the second paragraph of Article 5. 66 of the Budget provides for the establishment of yet another plan for retraining of teaching staff in the provincial surplus staffing, designed to absorb members of staff ", to find" full implementation within the 2007/2008 school year. " It is not the first time that the role of teachers in a subject are converted back into an area unfamiliar with fast corsi.Alle old trade union pressure must be added time demands of the budget that will prevail on the quality of the school. Finally, the technical report is revealed as a true cold shower for temporary teachers who have been told these days that we 150,000 entries are in part over the next three years. "The proposed multi-year plan," says the technical details, he "still a programmatic nature, and should take into account" in any event, the annual audit on time, within which the process is subject to successful initiatives, to be made of ' agreement with the Ministry of Economy and Finance about its practical feasibility. " In other words: if there will be money. He had already written Berlusconi.http: / / www.vincenzobrancatisan I
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Thursday, September 28, 2006
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Fp Cgil doctors: a door to the precarious
To give voice to the precarious medical doctors FpCgil opened the site / medici.htm door online "SOS Doctors Precarious." "This is an initiative - said Massimo Cozza, national secretary of FpCgil doctors - who wants to give more strength to who is struggling to respond to thousands of doctors ultratrentacinquenni that, because of the precariousness of their work, are not able to plan their future. "The situation of insecurity that has been to determine at this year's recruitment freeze across the public sector is judged by the union, no longer tolerable. The FPCGIL is asking the Government to address the issue in the 2007 Budget and the next 2006-contract renewals 2009.Rapporti periodically renewed temporary contracts, coordinated and continuous professional collaborations and other atypical employment relationships have come to be a way to maintain the precarious medici.Vi thousands of others are also 10 thousand doctors enrolled in a university before '91 and after the 94 graduates, who for years has temporarily hold positions in general practice, continuity of care and first aid, and being free, for reasons independent of their time, holding the title of special training in general medicine, "will be a precarious life - said Cozza - if you will not be allowed access to the regional lists." Source: I Sole24ore/Federfarma
precarious .. we are a cultural association, this is our official website
Friday, September 15, 2006
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Coordination Citizen Social Workers (
Press Release April 7, 2006
THE MEETING YESTERDAY AT WORK The Department has laid bare the hidden part unpresentable AND WELFARE CAPITOLINO.
The "table" technical consultation at the Centre of Labour set up the City of Rome to analyze the crisis of the cooperative social Noah's Ark highlighted in the meeting yesterday of the aspects that are close to the sphere of "delinquency policy "because someone at that table, is cheating.
explain the reasons: The social cooperative
Noah's Ark, to foster public services on behalf of the City of Rome with his situation crisis, with its excessive number of project workers than the number of current members, with its non-implementation of the National Collective Labour, with the disrespect for the law 626/94 (training, loads, aids ...) should already be subject to proper inspection of the institutional accreditation requirements.
Faced with a surplus for the year, said earlier in the year 2003 to 271 000 €, the social cooperative Noah's Ark has had in the 2004 budget, € 787 thousand loss.
49 members, about fifty employees and about two hundred and fifty employees in some project with about 100 hours per month, with 70 others, a small part even with 20 hours per month. Forty
members who have left and 29 others who had refused the burden of € 10,800.00 per capita to recapitalize the loss, received a notice of dismissal disguised as "social withdrawal".
Despite this dramatic situation to the cooperative social Noah's Ark was stretched a hand "institutional" for its recovery with the opening of a table at the Centre consists of unions, Lega Coop, Departments, Municipalities concerned for contracts in progress (V °, VI, III).
The formal purpose of the "Table" is the preservation of jobs and the dignity of workers, maintain the quality of services being challenged by an enormous turn-over and a climate of tension in labor relations.
But while we build a shared between the parties when the Centre had launched the proposal in the first meeting (March 23, 2006) "freeze any dismissal for 60 days to work together to find alternatives to relocating" the cooperative Noah's Ark However, the next day starts a fax to the Alzheimer Center of the third hall, announcing the first expulsion from the work of the worker and union representative Giovanna Adeste Addivinola. Before a series of expulsions over time.
face of this subtle violence against the dignity and work of people, perpetrated by an organization calling itself NGO, to denounce city, political and social forces that we are witnessing an institutional table where someone cheating.
Yesterday, during the negotiations, the League of cooperation with its representative said that the cooperative Noah's Ark to be saved from the crisis, CGIL and Chairman of the VI Hall spoke of the history of cooperative affinity terrioriale, a complex situation for which must find common solutions.
But there was one such place that has the problem, as well as the story of Noah's Ark as a company, also the life story of Joan Addivinola, crushed by the dismissal and expulsion of work, left without income, just after it had been built a table for consultation. A game played above and below: above the central cooperative, the union confederation, the institutions will take a license of a democratic, institutional sensitivity, and indirect damage to the representatives of the coop. legitimacy. Below, however, the cooperative continues to operate with a hatchet cut redundancies and removing the right to work even to those who will not find easily on a table altro.Insomma we are biased towards the company where the social objectives of a social cooperative are probably a mixture of opportunism and partisan political tightrope. We believe that the
let the redundancies in this way and not addressing the problem of the reflection of two hundred employees precarious and at risk on a service for disadvantaged people do not honor came at a center-left. We therefore call on someone who is there and who wants to do to beat a shot to prove and convince us that there is some difference in the party scene in Rome.
We encourage self-organized committees of workers from all over Italy to express in any form (eg. Fax or email through the site of the City, unions and Legacoop.) Solidarity with the people fired.
Coordination Citizen Social Workers
via Appia Nuova 357 Rome (meetings every Thursday at 21.00)
For further information on the Noah's Ark story, click here I
precarious .. we are a cultural association, this is our official website
Thursday, January 19, 2006
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Monday, January 2, 2006
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here is always late. should to wish a good year and still has not had time to make the 2005 budget. blogpalla in the guide this is the list of best albums
here is always late. should to wish a good year and still has not had time to make the 2005 budget. blogpalla in the guide this is the list of best albums
best movies or best books
. everything always interesssante (Links are first) if you are nice ideas, or the usual old story if it is wrong mood and eager to different information. I have not found in the short time spent, tell the truth, no one who has proposed a budget statement. closes the calendar year and do not pull the accounts of money? the tax is already there ready to ask, "Well, how did it go this year?". is not it relates to music. "Well, thank you. Three drives very good, 10 wonderful concerts. want your share? Here is a burned cd and a shirt stolen from the stall. "" This year I've read recently, I was always tired. I'll give you a copy of Q downloaded from the internet. and no. refers to the penny. the penny. euro. equivalent to the old issue. how come we never hear of base money? species now we see in Italy at the hands of a gang that do and undo at will and we appeal to both the rhetoric and cries that will not get to the end of the month? here we have no such fears, so that you know Here, too, that the accounts which you can keep tabs on. and the first budget estimate +6000 family said. but then you remember the house architect of the restructuring bill last year. carried out in January, I was forgetting. we are down to +3000. could be the final figure. but as with the financial statements is fashionable us all, I have joined the alleged amount of damages to a couple of days ago. so close to quota +500. lords hard times, hard times.
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